Getting Approved by Google AdSense Fast: Expert Tips & Strategies

Getting approved by Google Adsense is a milestone for publishers who are planning to monetize quality content on their blogs. Unfortunately, many beginners fail to get approved by Google Adsense and are stuck with less effective alternates for life. I'm a verified Google Adsense publisher and today I'll show you how you can get approved for the Adsense monetization program quickly as well.

Unlike, numerous articles available on the internet, I will be focusing on the tips that have helped me in the past. Even though the headings might be similar to a typical article that you'd find on Google, the content won't be the same. So without further ado, let's jump to the main content.

What are the Eligibility Requirements for Google Adsense as per Google Itself?

Google does not have very strict eligibility criteria to approve applications for Adsense. Many failed bloggers think otherwise. Google just needs to you to follow its policies. That's all. If you're following the guidelines and policies of Google, you won't be rejected by Adsense. As explained on their official page, before applying for Adsense you need to have the following points in mind:

  • You must be an adult (at least 18 years old) and be able to prove your identity.
  • You must follow their content guidelines.
  • You cannot use manipulative tactics for success such as the use of automated tools to create unoriginal content.
  • You cannot use fake traffic sources with Adsense ads on them.
  • Users must be able to differentiate between your ad and your site content.
  • The following categories are not eligible for Adsense: Gambling, Adult websites, Promotion of drugs, Hate speech, etc. 

These are a few points that can be found on Google's Adsense guidelines as well. However, I've personally seen bloggers following these points strictly but still failing to get approved by Google Adsense. Why is this so?

A simple answer to this question is that Google values quality content. New bloggers fail to add quality to the already existing directory of Google with millions of sites sharing similar content. In the next section, you will learn how to get approved by Google Adsense quickly based on my personal experience.

Solving Quality Content Issues for Google Adsense Approval

So the first and most important question is which type of content should you post on your website to get approved fast? You will see many articles on Google claiming how insurance websites get approved quickly and general websites with multiple categories do not get approved easily. This is all just made up since Google itself has never claimed anything like this.

I've seen numerous websites based on different niches with Google Adsense ads. My first website with Adsense ads on it was called "amtwrites" which I launched in 2018. I did not continue with the site after 2021 but it was an all-in-one site with diversified content.

I did some research on this and found out that websites based in a specific niche and general websites, both types are acceptable for Adsense since I've seen Adsense ads on such websites myself. The advertiser needs quality blog posts with consistent traffic arriving. It doesn't really matter what type of website you create as long as it meets the quality checks defined by Google. 

Now coming to the next part that is more relevant to quality content publishing: The content guidelines that I've prepared for beginners. 

How Many Posts Are Ideal for Adsense?

To be honest, the number of posts does not matter in getting Adsense approval. I've read the personal experiences of some bloggers who claim to have gotten approved with just 3 long-form articles on their websites. On the other hand, I've seen websites with hundreds of articles but no Adsense ads on them. 

In my personal experience, 15-20 posts are enough to get Adsense approval. However, these posts must be at least 1500 words long. After writing at least 15 long-form articles, you can then publish short-form articles as well. It is important to communicate to Google that you're serious about writing and growing as a publisher. 

On BlogiTalk, we have more than 80 articles (as of 30th April 2023). Most articles are short-form articles but we're now planning to publish long-form content for better results. I have another website known as Be Fitness Pro, which is a Niche based website focusing on health and fitness. On that website, I'm focusing on getting long-form articles published only. It's relatively a new website and I'll definitely write case studies on it as we reach our milestones with time. 

How to Check the Quality of My Content?

Checking if your content is optimized for search engines is an important part of the Adsense approval journey. Adsense loves quality and you can bring quality by adding originality to your content and optimizing it for search engines. I personally use 2 Chrome extensions for checking my content as I write it and optimizing it for search engines:

  1. Grammarly Chrome Extension
  2. TextOptimizer Chrome Extension

When I was searching for free tools to optimize my content, I found these two tools on the internet. Grammarly allows me to check the sentence structure, tone, spelling, and grammar of the content I write. TextOptimizer allows me to view the content score based on the top 10 results of the Google search engine for the topic I'm writing. Furthermore, it suggests keywords that I can use in my article as I write it, to make it more search engine optimized. 

By using these two tools, I can check whether my content is ready to be made live on search engines or whether it needs improvements before going live. 

Which Topics Get Approved Fast by Adsense?

As I mentioned earlier, there is no evidence or statement made by Google as to which topics are preferred by Adsense. However, if you do some research on the internet, the following topics are claimed to have a high chance of getting accepted by the Adsense Monetization Program:

  1. Insurance blogs
  2. Health and Fitness blogs
  3. Blogs with trending content

I've also read on the internet that the insurance category is more profitable than any other category when it comes to Google Adsense. So if you're someone who's planning to make money online, you can definitely experiment with one of these niches.

My experience, based n Google search console analytics is, however, a bit different. The following categories of BlogiTalk get the most impressions on Google Search Console:

  1. SEO
  2. Adsense 
  3. Earn Money

The most searched keyword that brings impressions to BlogiTalk is the "Semrush Keyword Difficulty Index" and similar other keywords. So if I was a beginner, I'd focus on sharing content based on SEO. SEO is a widely searched term across the globe and people want to learn this skill for multiple purposes. SEO, in my opinion, is a low-hanging fruit that can be utilized by beginners to rank well on Google Search.

Domain Age Needed for Google Adsense Approval

To get approved by Google Adsense, your domain should not be just a few days old. Again, some bloggers have claimed to have gotten approved by Adsense with a new domain, however, this is not the scenario for everyone. I would suggest you buy a domain, set up a website and consistently publish content for at least 6-8 months before applying to Google Adsense. 

This is because even if you get approved by Adsense in the first 3 months, the ads on your website won't really benefit you since you won't have much traffic to your website. If you're from an Asian country like Pakistan or India, I'd suggest you apply for Google Adsense after 6 or 7 months at least. 

These suggestions are just based on my own experiences and are not associated with any official statements of Adsense. 

6 Pages that You Must Have Before Applying for Adsense

If you're a new publisher and you've skipped this part, you might not get approved by Google Adsense ever. Before applying to the platform, you must publish the following pages on your website:

  1. About Us 
  2. Privacy Policy
  3. Terms & Conditions
  4. Disclaimer
  5. Contact Us
  6. DMCA

The DMCA page can either be published separately on your website or you can add a DMCA widget to the sidebar or footer of your site. All 6 elements mentioned in the list above must be a part of your website as per my experience, if you want to get approved by Adsense smoothly. The Disclaimer page should have a copyright disclaimer section, a content authenticity disclaimer section, and any other disclaimer that you feel is important for your readers to know.

Without these pages, you will probably get a rejection email from Adsense. If you're wondering how you can create a privacy policy page, you can simply use a free online privacy policy generator and edit the privacy policy to bring it in line with your website's actual policy. 

Choose the Right Theme for Your Website

To get approved by Adsense without any problems, you should select a theme that is easy to navigate and user-friendly. A good UI/UX can help you get approved quickly. When we say Adsense loves quality, the quality is not just limited to the content that you write, the overall user experience should be great too. 

You can use a free theme or even purchase a premium theme from Gooyabi templates if your website is based on the Blogspot platform. If you're a WordPress publisher, you can choose a great theme that is optimized for desktop and mobile. 

A website is more likely to be approved by Adsense if it is optimized for mobile and is easy to navigate. If your website just has a desktop version, you'd be losing the opportunity that is present on smartphones, and hence, your site will get lower traffic as a result. I suggest you use a theme that is responsive on desktops and smartphones for a higher chance of getting approved.

Platforms to Integrate Before Applying for Adsense

To compete well among competitor sites, I suggest you to integrate the following platforms to your site before applying for Adsense:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • SimilarWeb
  • SemRush

When I launched BlogiTalk, I immediately integrated the platforms mentioned in the list above. Google Analytics allows you to analyze the stats of your websites such as bounce rate, visitor countries, landing pages, time on site, page views, sessions per user, new users, and much more.

Google Search Console can help you analyze and optimize your performance on Google Search Engine. By integrating Google Search Console, you can get an overview of the search queries that are helping your website build visibility on Google, backlinks that are pointing to your site, countries that the searchers belong to, keyword details that can help you in conducting a keyword research, indexing status of your website, clicks, CTR, impressions and much more. 

I recently wrote an article on how BlogiTalk achieved its first 10K impressions on Google Search Console, you can give it a read to know more about how you can perform well on Google. 

Moving on, SimilarWeb is a nice platform to analyze your website's ranking and basic stats that are linked to Google Analytics. Semrush will help you understand how your website is performing, and what opportunities and weaknesses you need to focus on.

By integrating these platforms, you can improve your website's performance and will have a higher chance of being accepted by Google Adsense.

Use Royalty-Free Images on Your Blog

This is where many publishers go wrong. They spend hours to create quality content for their website but when it comes to posting images, they just copy and paste from Google. This is clearly against the copyright infringement guidelines and can land you in serious trouble. 

If you visit the article on this website, you will see how we always give credit to images to their rightful owners even if it's not required. To be on the safe side, I suggest you follow the same method. Moreover, you can use royalty-free image providers such as Pixabay or Unsplash to choose from thousands of royalty-free images for your blog.

If you need to use an image that is not present for free, you can buy it on certain platforms like Stock Photos. If you don't want to spend money then you can ask their owners for written permission to reuse their work in your blog. If you choose any other option like simply copying or pasting images without permission, you're not just risking Adsense approval but you're also risking being caught up in legal action since theft of copyright material is a serious crime. 

Remove Any Other Ads that You've Added to Your Blog

The purpose of a blog should be to help readers and provide value. If this is not your purpose and you're someone who's just focusing on earning money, you won't be accepted on Adsense. When applying for Adsense, I suggest you remove any other ads that you're displaying on your website.

Even though Adsense does not restrict usage of any other ad networks along with it, I personally recommend you remove any ads before applying. Sometimes, a lot of ads can make your website look spammy. If someone shared a website with me and told me to place an ad on it but it had a lot of ads already being displayed, I won't really be interested in placing my ad there.

Similarly, Adsense would not want to post ads on spammy sites that are alive with the sole purpose of earning only and not providing any value to visitors. 

Can I Get Adsense Approved by Using AI Generated Content?

No. One simple word to answer all types of AI-related queries. Even though Google is not against AI and will be launching Bard, a ChatGPT competitor soon, content that is completely AI generated with no real value and originality is not something Google would want. 

If you can create a post on ChatGPT, so can a thousand other users. Then what would be the difference between your website and other websites that are generating automated content? All content would be the same and unoriginal. Google wants originality. Originality comes with writing content yourself, adding your experiences, your opinions, and your thoughts. 

Some websites have been using AI content and are using tactics to hide the fact the content is generated with AI. This might work in the beginning but who knows where it would lead in the future. So for now, I'd suggest you not to use any AI tools for automated content creation. 

What are the Minimum Traffic Requirements to Get Approved By Adsense?

There are no minimum traffic requirements to get into Adsense as of today. I've personally tested this too. When my first website got approved by Adsense, it had almost no traffic at all. But does that mean you should apply for Adsense even if you have no traffic?

What I've learned is that you should build an audience first and then apply for Adsense. It is more profitable that way. Plus, you have a very high chance of getting approved. You need to have thousands of page views every day to earn well on Adsense but you don't need to have thousands of page views to get accepted by Adsense. I suggest you apply for Adsense once your website starts getting at least 5000 pageviews a month which is roughly 166 pageviews per day. 

Even if you want to apply for Adsense with 0 pageviews you can but I won't recommend that. 

How Many Pages Should Be Indexed on Google Before Applying to Google Adsense?

This question is similar to asking how many articles should be written before applying to Adsense but there's a difference between what you write and what gets indexed on search engines. If you visit Google Search Console and see the stats of pages that have been indexed on Google, you will be surprised to notice that discrepancies exist between what you expect and what the reality actually is.

In my opinion, at least 30 URLs should be indexed on Google Search Engine before you apply for Adsense. These URLs could include the articles that you publish, pages on your website, etc. 

If you have this check box ticked, you're one step closer to getting approved by Adsense or at least you have a better chance. Visibility on search engines is a crucial part of getting accepted into the program and performing well. 

Final Words

Google Adsense is one of the most famous Ad networks across the globe. Adsense works on CPM, CPC, and CPI models and is a great way to make passive or even full-time income from your blogs. Hundreds of publishers fail to get approved by Adsense every day and then there are thousands of publishers making millions every year. You can be part of the millionaires as well.

All you need to do is follow the tips and guidelines I've explained in this article and hope for the best. If you liked this post, do share it on your social media networks. Keep visiting us for more interesting content!

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