Era of Web 3.0 Explained!

Web 3.0 was pitched all the way back in 1999 by, none other than the inventor of the world wide web himself, Tim Berners Lee. According to Lee, What we are referring today as web 3.0 would be known as a Semantic Web which would involve AI solving problems like search queries and linguistic contexts. For example, if you search for the word Jaguar, it could mean a cat or a car but how exciting it would be if the search engine interprets accurately what you originally intended to say.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Web 3.0 is a vision of how the internet may appear in the coming years. To truly grasp what Web 3.0 implies, we must first know what Web 1.0 and 2.0 is.

Web 1.0

Despite only providing access to restricted content and little to no user involvement, Web 1.0, also known as the Static Web, was the earliest and most efficient internet in the 1990s. Creating user pages or simply commenting on articles or sharing information wasn't a thing back then because there were no algorithms to scan through the internet sites in Web 1.0.

It was incredibly difficult for users to obtain useful information. Web 1.0 was not even profitable in terms of ads revenue since it was like a one-way highway with a limited pathway where content was created by a small group of people and information was largely gathered through directories.

Web 2.0

The latest web version of the internet that we use today is Web 2.0. It involves more user-generated content and a larger range of uses beyond just accessing information, such as social networking apps (Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram etc.) and online shopping. Web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 allowed startups to create dynamic content platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia and more.

Therefore, this version of the web introduced interactivity which means that users cannot only get information from web pages but the web pages started getting information from users. As we perform actions on Facebook, YouTube or other social media apps, the platforms collect data which is used for multiple purposes later on. 

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the next evolution in the history of internet which is said to utilize blockchain technology and decentralized tools such as SandBox, Decentraland, 3D Graphics technology etc. Users were not the proprietors of the data they created in web 2.0 but it is predicted that users will be the owners of their data in this newer and much better version.

The content will be handled by a DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization. No firm will have control over the information being posted and shared in this system. Instead, everything will be recorded in a distributed ledger using blockchain technology, which means that all network members will have an ownership of their data to some degree. 

Features of Web 3.0 version:

The Semantic Web is the next step in the evolution of the Internet. Semantic Web enhances web technologies' ability to produce, exchange and link material through search and analysis by focusing on the meaning of words rather than keywords.

By integrating semantic skills with natural language processing, computers can comprehend information on a human level, resulting in effective and more meaningful outcomes. As a result, they grow smarter and better, able to meet the demands of consumers.

Web 3.0 makes information more linked with each other. As a result, the user experience advances to a new level of connection that takes advantage of all accessible data. Furthermore, blockchain technology secures and encrypts user data. This puts a halt to large businesses gaining control or exploiting consumers' personal information.

Here's an example to highlight what web 3.0 is bringing with it:

Imagine asking your Siri or Google Assistant  a question while driving: "I'd like to see a sci-fi movie and eat Thai food." The search engine will give you a customized answer based on your location, recommending the closest theatre that fits your request and best Thai restaurant based on social media ratings. Then it might show a 3D menu as well. Furthermore, it can help you identify a cinema that is near a Thai restaurant as well!

In a nutshell, Web 3.0 intends to provide people with more control over the web content. It is going to be a much improved version of the existing web model and it will definitely come with features that we can't imagine at this point in time.

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