8 CPM Ad Networks that Pay You Well!

Monetizing your website to earn a living seems to be very easy at the beginning but when you do it practically, it's not that easy after all. Earning a decent amount of money requires thousands of pageviews every month and if you're using a CPC ad model then those pageviews will also not be sufficient. Today I'm going to list down the best CPM ad networks that you must try.

CPM ads
(Source: Pixabay - Free for commercial use)

Before I move onto the list of some really awesome ad networks, first you need to know the difference between CPC, CPA and CPM models. If you already know it then you can skip this part.

I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. I won't be explaining the calculation methods right now because all you need to have is the basic concept of how these models actually work. A CPC model pays you whenever someone clicks on an ad while a CPM model pays you whenever someone views your ads 1000 times. Now the 1000 views are not required to be from the same person, it can be 1000 different people viewing an ad once. A CPA ad network pays you when ever the user acts. The action could be downloading an application, for example.

Mainly these are the three different types of ad models used by thousands of companies. An ad network might only use one type of ad model or it can also use all three types at the same time. Adsense uses a combination of CPC and CPM but for some locations the CPC is very high while for other locations it's less than a cent!

Now that you have the basic concept of the three different ad models, have a look at the list of best CPM ad networks that offer a decent CPM rate.


I recently got approved by Adsterra and I can guarantee you that it's a legitimate ad network that will pay you once you become eligible for a payment. Adsterra is comparatively a newer ad network that is attracting more and more publishers and advertisers with every passing day. The best thing about Adsterra is that they offer monetization options for both mobile and desktop version of your website.

With Adsterra you can choose from a variety of ad formats. Some ad formats include Banner ads, Pop under ads, mobile banner ads and sliding ad formats. You can choose the best format that suits your website and maximize your profits.

In order to become their partner, you have to signup on their official website. Within the next 4 days, your application will be reviewed by the company and you will be assigned a personal manager. After your application gets accepted by them, you can immediately show ads on your website. By default, only a few formats are unlocked. If you want to add more formats, you will have to ask your manager for it.

I personally used Adsterra for 2 weeks. I'm not very impressed by the CPM rates that they are offering for Pakistani traffic. The overall rates are also not very impressive but if you have a huge audience then you can earn a decent amount with them.


I have used RevenueHits on my tech website for a long time. When I first searched the internet about how legitimate the website was, there were mixed opinions about it. Some suggested that it was a scam while others showed their payment proof. Well, the ad network is not a scam if you work with a pure intention.

While most bloggers say that RevenueHits is a CPM ad network, I disagree with them. I think RevenueHits is more like a CPA network but they do have a lot of ads running on a CPM campaign. The rates of RevenueHits are quite high compared to other ad networks and I've seen people earn as low as $50 and as high as $1500. It depends on the visitor location and visitor status.

RevenueHits also offer a variety of ad formats which include Popups, Pop unders, Banners and Text ads. The CPM rates differ for each ad format. Pop under ads have the highest CPM rates followed by Popups and Banners. You should keep in mind that Pop unders and Popups can have a negative impact on visitor experience and visitors might not visit your website again if they had a really bad experience.

RevenueHits supports PayPal payments and wire transfer too. The payment threshold for PayPal is $50 but for wire transfer it's very high. Overall the ad network is a good option if you have a large enough audience and if you don't have any other option left. It's not a bad ad network. If you work hard, you will make a decent amount of money.

Conversant Media

Conversant Media is one of the oldest ad network available online. It's almost 20 years old so one thing is confirmed, it is a legitimate ad network that will pay you once you become eligible. Conversant media have good CPM rates and their ad inventory is also decent. You won't see spammy ads on your website or blog.

The best part is that Conversant Media has many premium advertisers working with them. This means that the rates are also better and the quality is good too. In order to get approved by them, you must have a top level domain and a user-friendly website that provides value to visitors. Convesrant Media also provides a common path to publishers and advertisers, using which both can connect and find what they're looking for.

Overall, Conversant Media is an ad network that you should prioritize. This ad network not just provides you with the best quality, it also offers you high CPM rates. To work with them, your site must receive 3000 raw visitors every month. This requirement must be fulfilled and we can conclude from it that Conversant Media is not just for old, popular websites, it can be used by new blog owners who are less popular atm.


The fourth best CPM ad network that I'm going to talk about is BuySellAds. This ad network is great for new bloggers who can manage to attract a decent amount of visitors every day. While most bloggers say that you only need a few visitors to get accepted by them, my research and my experience contradicts them.

To get accepted by BuySellAds you must receive at least 1000 visitors every day. I have an account on BuySellAds and I've seen many websites advertised on this platform. There are a few websites with 24000 to 30000 pageviews per month but most websites available to monetize have more than 40k pageviews per month. I've also submitted my website to this ad network but till now my application is still pending so I can guarantee you that if you're getting a few hundred views every day, they'll not be enough.

In order to get paid, your account must accumulate a minimum balance of $20. BuySellAds supports different payment gateways which includes PayPal, Check and Wire transfer. 75% revenue is shared with the publishers while 25% is kept by the company. If we compare this ratio with other advertising companies, BuySellAds is offering a very high revenue share. Not many other networks offer a 75% share to the publishers.

The best thing about these ads is that they can be used along with Google Adsense without a problem and you can customize the ads according to your needs. This makes it even better!

Propeller Ads

Propeller is one of the most famous advertising companies alive on planet earth. I've used Propeller ads for more than 6 months in the past and I have a good news for you. With Propeller ads you can earn from $20 to $1000 every single month!

When I started using Propeller ads on my download site, it gave me CPM rates between $2 and $5 for popup and interstitial ads. Banner ads were also good back then but now they don't offer banner formats to all publishers. In order to put banner ads on your website, you will have to submit a request separately and if your website's performance is very extraordinary, only then you will be accepted.

You can, however, use other ad formats which work very well for all kinds of publishers. The CPM rates are very high for almost all formats. You can also get a direct link from Propeller which you can promote anywhere and earn money for each view. This is best for those people who do not own a website because with direct link option, anyone can earn money!

Propeller ads has a minimum payment threshold of $100 and they pay on NET30 basis. The company supports various payment methods which includes wire transfer, PayPal and Payoneer. Compared to BuySellAds, Propeller pays 80% revenue to publishers and keeps the rest. This company is even better when it comes to revenue sharing.

Propeller ads is a legitimate website. Many bloggers have complained that they didn't pay but the truth is that hundreds of publishers get paid by them every month. Propeller ads is one of the most authentic companies and yes they do have software to detect fraudulent activities so if anyone plans to trick them, they simply ban that publisher.


Adbuff is an ad network that works with many advertising companies. This means that you will get flexible CPM rates and almost a 100% ad inventory for any kind of format. Adbuff is basically a CPM and CPC based model but the rates are quite decent even if you're a newbie with good traffic.

Adbuff works in a very simplified manner. Whenever you place an ad code on your website, Adbuff automatically scans the available ad inventory and places the ad which offers you the best bid. In this way, many advertisers can bid at the same time and the best suited ad will be placed on your website. It's a win-win situation for the publisher.

I haven't used this ad network personally but I've researched a lot. According to some publishers, Adbuff is the best Adsense alternative. I haven't read a negative reviews about this company till now so I would definitely suggest you this network. Adbuff is overall a good ad network that according to the internet community is also legitimate.

Like other companies, Adbuff offers a variety of payment methods. You can withdraw your earnings using Payoneer, Bank transfer and PayPal. The company follows a NET 45 payment rule and you will get paid on time by them. In order to get accepted by Adbuff, you must have a good inflow of visitors every day and your website must provide value to visitors.


If you're looking for an ad network that will accept your website very quickly and pay you every week then HillTopAds is the best option for you. HillTopAds is known to be the best solution for publishers. The company receives around 12B impressions every month and it provides flexible solutions to publishers.

HillTopAds offer you a variety of ad formats. You can monetize your website by using Popup, Pop unders, In-video and Display ad formats. Every format has different CPM rates. I would suggest you to use In-video ads as they can have a high conversion rate and more engagements with the visitors. This way you will earn more with HillTopAds.

In order to work with them you have to signup on their website and provide them the required details. HillTopAds have no technical or hidden requirements so you can apply for this ad network even if you're a new publisher. All you need to do is, add the code to your website and rest will be handled by the company itself.

HillTopAds pays you every week through PayPal, Paxum, Wire transfer and EPayments. I think HillTopAds are worth trying. It is a legitimate company with positive reviews all over the internet. I personally applied for HillTopAds 2 months ago and I got accepted within 24 hours. The CPM rates are good, the website itself is user-friendly, I don't see a reason why you should wait. Go ahead and apply right now!

Amazon CPM Advertising

Most people know about the Amazon affiliate program but very few people know that Amazon also has a CPM ad network that pays you for every 1000 ad impressions. I've personally worked as an Amazon affiliate but I never got the chance to try their CPM network. This is because right now, Amazon CPM Ads are not available for all publishers but you can login to your Amazon Associates account and see if you're eligible.

The Amazon CPM ad network is very popular all around the world. A major reason for this is the all in one solutions that Amazon provides to its customers. You can create a list of your websites once you're approved by Amazon and then set your own requirements. Amazon supports a passback feature which means that if the ad inventory does not have ads that fulfill the CPM criteria, Amazon will display backup ads that can be set by you separately.

Overall, Amazon CPM ad network is one of the best networks available online. It is a complete all in one solution for publishers and also the most legitimate source of earning. You can use Amazon's CPM ads and their affiliate links together to maximize your profits. I think if you're lucky enough to be eligible for this program, you should close your eyes and signup immediately!

Ending Note

All ad networks mentioned in this post are currently paying to publishers and are legitimate. I've mentioned 8 different types of CPM ad networks that offer decent CPM rates and a good user experience. All networks have their own special features or to be more accurate, their own unique selling proposition so it would be unfair to compare them with each other.

Some ad networks are old while others are comparatively new. Some have thousands of advertisers willing to advertise on many different websites while others are still growing. In order to choose the best ad network for your website, you should compare the long-term benefits that you might get by using a particular network.

Also, it depends on the kind of website you have. If you have a download website then propeller ads will work best for you but if you have a content website then Conversant Media or Amazon CPM would be a good option.

Make a flowchart with all key points that you have in mind and then weigh the benefits with the opportunity cost in order to select the best solution for your website. I hope you found this article helpful. If so, do share this post with your friends and family!

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